Safe Routes to School
The Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program is a national program that promotes walking and biking to school. The SRTS focuses on teaching bicycle and pedestrian safety along with the promotion of healthy lifestyles. The initiative encourages children to walk and bike to school and also seeks to improve the air quality around schools, reducing traffic congestion near schools, increase physical activity of children, and increase community involvement.
Safe Routes Plan and Maps
2020 Updated Safe Routes to School
Mankato Plan
Safe Routes to School
North Mankato Plan
Safe Routes to School
Eagle Lake Plan
Please view the linked maps below for your students' Safe Route to School:
The Elementary Health Curriculum
The Elementary Health Curriculum presents Pedestrian and Biking Safety lessons for students in grades Kindergarten, First, Second and Third Grade.
Bike Rodeos
Bike Rodeos are a half day safety training for elementary students that include bike and pedestrian safety and skill development. Watch for the Bike Rodeo dates in your school newsletter.