Employee Benefits
District 77 offers the benefits listed below and are available to employees, staff, and administration that qualify.
- 403(b)
- Benefit Fair Documents
- Blue 365
- COVID-19 Resources
- Dental Insurance
- Employee Assistance Program
- Employee Health Promotions
- Flexible Spending Account
- Get Active Program
- Health Insurance Options
- Health Savings Account
Employees of Mankato Area Public Schools are eligible to participate in 403(b) tax sheltered accounts as established pursuant to United States Public Law N. 98-370.
Application to participate, change or terminate a tax sheltered account must be made on form, which are available in the business office. Amounts withheld from salary and paid for the purchase of a tax-sheltered account shall comply with provisions under Section 403(b) of the IRS Code as amended and with Minnesota Statute.
403(b) Universal Availability Notice
Salary Reduction Agreement
Mankato ISD Advisor Contact Information
Benefit Fair Documents
Blue 365
Blue365 (Wellness Discount Marketplace) - Get significant savings on personal care, fitness, and wellness goods and services.
- Visit
COVID-19 Resources
In an effort to control the spread of COVID-19, protect the health of the students, colleagues and families of our community, and provide a safe learning and work environment here at MAPS, please notify your supervisor/administrator immediately if you have tested positive for COVID-19 or been in close contact with a positive case.
MAPS in partnership with MDH will begin the process of Contact Tracing. Contract tracing is a tool that can help slow the spread of infectious diseases, such as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Any information you share with the MAPS and/or MDH contract tracers is CONFIDENTIAL under HIPAA regulations. This means your name and personal and medical information will be kept private.
The Employee Health Promotions team wanted to share some resources below to help employees navigate during this COVID-19 time.
Medica - Medica, our health insurance provider.
Sanvello - On-demand help for stress, anxiety and depression.
Healthiestyou by Teladoc - Free Telemedicine Benefit to any employee covered on the MAPS health plan or the covered employees household family members. Services offered are general medicine, mental health (for ages 18+), dermatology, neck and back care, nutrition, and expert medical services.
Employee Assistance Program - VITAL WorkLife
- Username: mankatoschools
- Password: member
Employee Health Promotions Newsletters - Check out current and past newsletters with great articles!
District Facilities April 2020 Newsletter on Ergonomics - Great tips on ergonomics!
Learn to Live - Learn to Live is an online resource for those of us struggling with stress, depression, sleeplessness or social anxiety, providing help anywhere, any time. Enter code MHC to access this free resource for employees and dependents on the MAPS health plan age 13 and older.
Bodyweight Interval & Flexibility/Yoga Workouts - Join Tia Dupont, Recreation Specialist is offering free workout videos. Join her google classroom, class code is 5llaq6l.
Mayo Clinic Stress/Anxiety Related Videos
- Feeling stressed? Remember the 4 A's
- 7 ways to de-stress right now
- 8 reasons healthy sleep should be non-negotiable
- Small steps for a day-changing morning
- How to break up with your social network at bedtime
- Mental health benefits of tidying up
Mental Health Resources
• Crisis Text Line: Text – MN to 741741 for free 24/7 assistance for mental health crisis
• Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
• Stomp Out Suicide: 1-651-777-5222
• CDC - Stress and Coping
• Child Trends - Resources for Supporting Children’s Emotional Well-Being during the COVID-19 Pandemic
• Harvard University Managing Fears and Anxiety around the Coronavirus
• International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Inc. COVID-19 Resources
• Very Well Mind - How to Cope With Anxiety About Coronavirus
American Red Cross - Free Mental Health First Aid for COVID-19 Online
Calm - Sleep, stress, meditations, gratitude resources, masterclass opportunities, resources for kids
Random Acts of Kindness Foundation - Assorted kindness/positivity resources
Yale - Science of Wellbeing Course
Dr. Sood - Free access to his Resilient Option Course - Use coupon code - Resilience100
Knutson + Casey, PC ( - Providing full service estate planning solutions (wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and healthcare directives) in the Mankato Area. Discounts for MAPS employees. Make your estate plan part of your back to school prep.
Dental Insurance
Dental Insurance
Dental Insurance is offered through Delta Dental. Please click on the Delta Dental Website link below to visit their website for more information or to search the network.
Delta Dental's Customer Service number is: 1-800-553-9536. For information on what the district offers, please contact the district's Business Office.
Delta Dental Website
Dental Summary Plan Descriptions (SPD)
Employee Assistance Program
Mankato Area Public Schools provides an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) as a benefit to employees through TELUS.
The program is geared toward recognizing an employee's problems and helping to find appropriate help. This service is confidential and is available to employees at no cost. Their phone number is: 866-451-5465.
Password: EAP
(Note: Password Is Case-Sensitive)
Employee Health Promotions
Employee Health Promotions (EHP) was created to improve the health and quality of life of MAPS employees. This, in turn, will help to improve the academic achievement of our students.
Mankato Area Public Schools employs approximately 2400 individuals. EHP aims to provide a wellness service for each and every one.
EHP is managed by a leadership team. In addition, each MAPS site has an EHP representative. These are the wellness leaders for their building. They are responsible for the dissemination of EHP information, organizing wellness events or classes, supporting participation in district-coordinated events and rewarding site employees in achieving wellness goals.
The elements of our employee wellness program include the following:
- Health education and health-promoting activities that focus on skill development and lifestyle behavior improvements.
- Supportive social and physical environments that promote health and reduce the risk of disease.
- Integration of the worksite program into the school structure.
- Employee assistance programs to help employees balance work and family life.
- Worksite screening programs
- An evaluation and improvement process to help enhance the program’s effectiveness and efficiency.
MAPS staff receive monthly EHP Newsletters (see below) highlighting ongoing or future events.
EHP welcomes feedback. If you have questions, concerns, comments or ideas, please share them! You can provide feedback here.
Flexible Spending Account
The Mankato Area Public Schools Flexible Benefits Program is offered through Further (formerly Select Account). This plan is established to provide employees with a way to save money on costs for medical and dependent care expenses. It is a salary reduction plan permitting participants to choose among more than one benefit. It is classified as a "cafeteria plan" for Federal income tax purposes. The reimbursement account allows you to pay for certain out-of-pocket health care expenses and dependent care expenses with pre-tax dollars. Employees are able to lower their taxable income because the money placed in the reimbursement account(s) is taken out of each paycheck and in most cases, State income taxes.
Further Contact Information:
Phone: 800-859-2144
Hours: Monday - Friday, 7:00am to 8:00pm (Central Time)
Fax: 866-231-0214
Get Active Program
Health Insurance Options
Summary of Benefits & Coverages (as of 7/1/24)
Benefits Booklets (as of 7/1/24)
BCBS Customer Service: #866-543-5966
BCBS FlexRX Preventive Drug List
COBRA Continuation Coverage
Notice of COBRA Continuation Coverage
New - Health Insurance Marketplace Coverage Options and Your Health Coverage
- Exchange Notification Information for ISD 77 Employees
Health Savings Account
A health savings account (HSA) is a tax-advantaged account, that works in conjunction with a high-deductible health plan, which allows you the ability to save tax-free money for eligible medical expenses. The Mankato Area Public Schools Health Savings Accounts are administered through Further (formerly Select Account). Employees who are covered on one of Mankato Area Public Schools high deductible plans are eligible for a Health Savings Account (HSA).
For more information on health savings accounts please visit
- HealthiestYou by Teledoc
- Learn to Live
- Life Insurance
- Long Term Disability
- Maternity Management
- Omada
- Pension
HealthiestYou by Teledoc
Introducing HealthiestYou - Your newest FREE Telemedicine Benefit beginning on July 1, 2021. It is free for any employee covered on Mankato Area Public Schools (MAPS) health plan or the covered employees household family members. On July 1 or after, you can register by downloading the App or going to This is available to you and your household family members an unlimited number of times.
You can set up your mobile account in just six easy steps! You are able to add your uninsured dependents to your HealthiestYou account by using the mobile app.
Simplify your life. Check out the options that HealthiestYou offers and view the flyers below!
- General Medical- 24/7/365 access to a doctor via phone or video. Our doctors can diagnose common ailments and offer treatment, including prescription medications if necessary.
- Mental Health (for ages 13+ as of 7/1/24)- Unlimited phone or video sessions with the same mental health provider. You can choose from an extensive list of psychiatrists, counselors, and therapists.
- Dermatology- Take 3 pictures of a skin condition and receive a diagnosis and treatment plan through the app’s Message Center within 48 hours.
- Neck and Back Care- With the help of a certified health coach, you will be given a personalized video-based exercise and stretching regimen to help alleviate both back and neck pain.
- Nutrition - You will work directly with registered dietitians who assess clinical nutrition needs and develop personalized programs including custom meal plans and shopping guides.
- Expert Medical Services- Receive an expert second opinion and get all of your medical records in one place.
Teladoc Webinar that took place virtually Wednesday, June 2, 2021. Your newest FREE Telemedicine Benefit beginning on July 1, 2021!
Please check out these How-To videos below to learn more!
Learn to Live
Hello from Learn to Live!
Learn to Live is an online resource for those of us struggling with stress, depression, sleeplessness, or social anxiety, providing help anywhere, any time. Our programs are built on the principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Online CBT has been proven as effective as in-person care in over 10 years of clinical research. To learn more about our programs, visit our website and click “take a tour.”
Employees and family members (age 13 and older) who have health insurance coverage with Mankato Area Public Schools can enroll for free in any of our interactive programs: Social Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, or Stress, Anxiety & Worry. We encourage you to take a quick assessment to find out if any of these challenges are impacting your life.
MAPS online mental health programs benefit - Learn to Live - is excited to announce their new page for on-demand Webinars! These webinars are offered at no cost to all members on the MAPS health plan.
We encourage you to check out this program enhancement. Learn to Live wants to bring our employees and their family members the best experience possible. Check these out at any time of the day, and view as many times as you want! You can view them anytime at and just us the code MAPS.
For free access, visit our website and enter the code “MAPS”.
As a third-party service, we want to assure you that our member information is completely confidential and will not be shared with anyone at MAPS.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our team at clientservices@learntolive.comSend mailSend mail.
The Learn to Live Team
Life Insurance
Long Term Disability
Long-term disability is a benefit offered through National Insurance Services Company. The waiting period and employer contribution is determined by individual employment agreements.
Certificates of Coverage
- Clerical - All other specified employees
- Cooks Long Term Disability
- Custodians Long Term Disability
- Paraprofessionals Long Term Disability
- Superintendent and Administrators Long Term Disability
- Teachers with 5 or more Years of Service Long Term Disability
- Teachers with less than 5 Years of Service Long Term Disability
Maternity Management
Omada® is a digital behavior change program that inspires healthy habits you can live with long term. It combines the behavior change science and unwavering support you’ll need to lose weight, keep it off, and help reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Omada includes:
- Wireless smart scale to monitor your progress
- Professional health coach to keep you on track
- Interactive program that adapts to you
- Weekly online lessons to educate and inspire
- Small group of participants for real-time support
Get Started at:
If you or your adult (age 18+) family members are at risk for type 2 diabetes or heart disease, enrolled in a Blue Cross® and Blue Shield® of Minnesota health plan, and eligible for the Omada program, Mankato Area Public Schools will cover the Omada program as part of your health plan.